Mango pickles contain antioxidants that protect any living organism from the attack of free radicals. Because they are made with unripe, raw vegetables, Mango pickles are a great source of antioxidant. Lemon, contains a plethora of health benefits that an individual should add to their meals because it helps to fulfill your body’s requirement for vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Kamal kakdi has high amounts of dietary fiber, which helps boost digestion. It aids constipation while ensuring nutrient absorption through the secretion of gastric juices and further stimulates peristaltic (intestinal contraction) motion in the intestinal muscles to facilitate easy and smooth bowel movement. Teet is known to have several other health benefits and was used in traditional medicine for centuries. with the combination of all these super healthy ingredients our mixed achar is NOT TO BE MISSED deal.
Mixed achar almost too good to be called condiment, prepared with choicest of ingredients. It is an all time favourite to brighten up your gloomy day and mood instantly. Enjoy with chola bhatura or aloo parantha. grab one now!
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